شركة صافر لعمليات الإستكشاف والإنتاج

SEPOC Community Activities and Projects in Ma'rib


SEPOC Community Activities and Projects in Marib Governorate

As SEPOC considers itself an integral part of the surrounding society and its progress and development are also part of the progress of the same society, the company always works to provide added societal value. Consequently, the company is keen on providing a variety of community activities, including education, health, and energy, besides some emergency humanitarian projects such as helping the displaced and providing aid and assistance to those affected by floods and natural disasters.

The Company participates in sponsoring many community activities to prove to all that SEPOC is always committed to being a leading national company that also offers added value to the surrounding community.

For instance, but not limited to, below is a list of these activities:

1- Education

- Besides building Safer School earlier in the Valley District - Marib Governorate, Safer has been working to rehabilitate some schools in the same governorate.

-Safer has recently provided 2,000 double-seat with desks, and they will be distributed to many schools.

  2- Restoring and paving the international road between Marib and Al-Abr.

Safer Company periodically maintains the Marib-Al-Abr road line due to its importance and its frequent use as an international road.

This work comes purposely for the safety of all road users, especially after the occurrence of painful reported accidents due to the previous poor quality of the road.

3- Adding a new asphalt layer to the line connecting the company’s gate junction to the Ruwaik area with a length of 40 km.

4- Cleanliness and Improvement Fund

For the sake of diversifying its fields of activities in support of the surrounding community, the company recently provided about 250 portable plastic garbage barrels to be distributed through the Cleaning and Improvement Office in Marib

5- Supporting the University of Sheba

In support of the higher education sector in Marib, Safer achieved the following activities and projects at Shaba University: -

-Building a residential building for the teaching staff at the university.

          - Constructing Al-Qarda’i lecturing hall.

          - providing the university with three buses to deliver students (transportation).

- Affording the university with 15 shaded benches to be installed in the university yard.

6- Marib General Hospital Authority

Marib General Hospital Authority was previously built with full funding from the company (formerly Yemen Hunt / currently SAFER). SAFER supports this hospital from time to time with, medical supplies, and laboratory solutions. Ten integrated dialysis devices will be provided within days to the hospital. The hospital was also provided with ten shaded benches installed in the hospital yard.

شركة صافر تُعزّز الرعاية الصحية في مأرب بتوفير محطة غسيل كلى

في إطار التزامها الراسخ بالمسؤولية المجتمعية، قدمت شركة صافر للعمليات والاستكشاف والإنتاج مبادرة ملموسة جديدة لدعم القطاع الصحي في محافظة مأرب، وذلك بتوفير محطة غسيل كلى متكاملة لهيئة مستشفى مأرب العام، مُجهّزة بأحدث التقنيات وتحتوي على عشرة أجهزة غسيل كلوي حديثة

تركيب سيور العفش الإلكترونية بمطار سيئون

في شهر إبريل من العام 2021 تم تدشين عمل مشروع سيور العفش الإلكترونية بمطار سيئون الدولي ,والمقدمة من الشركة اليمنية للغاز وشركة صافر للإستكشافات وعمليات الانتاج ،